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Get the strategy, coaching, and community you need to showcase your expertise, broaden your sphere of influence, and create new income streams through the power of your personal brand.

Mike has been featured in:

The Wall Street Journal
USA Today
Entrepreneur Magazine
Huffington Post
The Wall Street Journal
USA Today
Entrepreneur Magazine
Huffington Post

Showcase Your Unique Expertise & Create New Income Streams (Strategically & Intentionally)

There has never been so much opportunity for you to share your message with the world — maybe a business, a cause, a book, or a career to promote.

  • You want to make an impact, but you're missing a nuts-and-bolts success path to show you where to start and how to put it all together.

  • You want to start on the side and grow to six-figures but you don't have enough time or the right strategy. You need to know what to focus on right now.

  • You want clarity to take strategic, effective steps forward but you're not sure who to listen to because opinions online are a dime a dozen.

  • You want to build multiple revenue streams, but you aren't sure how to get your readers and followers to become supporters and customers.

  • You want to create a "flagship" framework, but developing your ideas in a way taht showcases your expertise while also being commercially appealing is challenging.

  • You want to get featured on bigger podcasts, stages, and media but you’re not sure how to pitch or present yourself in a way that aligns with larger platforms.

Many talented people just like you are struggling to stand out online. You deserve a trusted guide to get you from point A to point B.


Over the past ten years I’ve been a trusted advisor and marketing strategist to some of today's most influential speakers, coaches, and authors.

I’ve also been trusted by thousands to guide them from a side-hustle all the way to a full-fledged six- or seven-figure business. Countless clients of mine have grown to incredible heights, launching top-ranked podcasts, bestselling books, being paid to speak, launching $100,000 per year masterminds, and much more.

I’ve written a Wall St. Journal and USA Today bestseller, You Are the Brand, and have been featured in publications like Entrepreneur and Inc, and spoken at industry leading events like Podcast Movement, Social Media Marketing World, Tribe Conference, and Mindshare.

I love what I do because I’m obsessed with helping good people find their zone of genius and make an impact in the world. There’s no way just one person could do all the work needed to help all the businesses, causes, and people out there. It lights me up when clients or students say:

“I finally feel like I’ve found my voice!”

“You helped me make life-changing money doing what I love...”

The world is waiting for you. I’d love to guide you through the practical steps of building a business around your personal brand. It's possible to go out there, make an impact, and make great money... and I'd be honored to guide you on your journey.


John Maxwell

"If you’re like me, you need to find somebody like Mike. Find somebody bigger, better, faster, and smarter than you that really understands this world of social media."


Donald Miller

"Mike does more than help us brand ourselves; he helps us figure out how we can be useful in the world. And being useful leads to a sense of purpose and meaning."


Ray Edwards

"Mike is a clear and proven expert who helps people market and monetize their personal experience, ideas, and wisdom."

Introducing You Are the Brand Academy

You Are the Brand Academy is a 12-month mentorship program and community for high achievers who want to grow their business around their personal brand.

You'll learn how to build several types of income streams and delivery methods including: coaching, speaking, consulting, training, facilitating, writing books, or creating content. You'll also learn business development, mindset, and systems.

We build the program on three important pillars (three "C's") to guide you: Coaching, Community, and a great Course Library.


Enjoy bi-weekly office hours and "Get Stuff Done" calls to address your specific challenges, receive live feedback, and keep moving forward.


Connect with a dynamic network of high achievers led by Mike and a team of expert coaches. Grow your network, collaborate, and gain insights.

Course Library

Enjoy an extensive range of video courses and guides on everything from using running masterminds, writing copy, and using Facebook ads.

Two Tracks, One Goal: Your Success

With our two distinct tracks, Learner and Pro, we provide tailored guidance that aligns with your current stage and goals. The Learner Track is perfect for establishing a solid foundation and primary income stream. For the seasoned professionals, our Pro Track offers advanced strategies to build on your foundation and create new income streams.

If You Aren’t Sure of Your Niche, Product, Service, Start with the Learner Track

Get proof of concept for your message, marketing, and monetization strategies. We’ll make sure you build the foundational pieces for growth so you don’t get distracted by “shiny objects” or paralyzed by self-doubt and fear.

Generating Income but Want More Stability or Revenue? Follow the Pro Track

You’re making money but your income can be unpredictable, like a “feast or famine” thing. The key here is to differentiate your message and fine-tune your offers. We’ll also look at strategic ways to build your brand and following.

Don’t Worry, You Can Access Either Track at Anytime or Go "a la Carte" if You’d Like.

Your journey is unique and your needs may change over time. That’s why we offer the flexibility to access either the Learner or the Pro Track at any time, adapting to your evolving goals and circumstances.

For those who prefer a more customized approach, you have the option to go a la carte. This means you can just use the coaching calls or course library whichever way you’d like. Our program is designed to be as dynamic and adaptable as the world of personal branding itself, ensuring you always have the right support at the right time.

Who Is This For?

For the Learners:

Maybe you’re just starting out, aiming to establish yourself as a thought leader while balancing other commitments. We’re here to show you how to efficiently create a side hustle that complements your lifestyle while also growing into something much bigger.

For the Brand Builders:

Maybe you’re a startup founder, a small business owner, or at the helm of an existing company. Harness the power of your personal brand to drive business growth and open new doors of opportunity.

For Established Thought Leaders:

You’re already in the thought leadership space and looking to expand. Dive into advanced marketing and publicity strategies to scale your influence and diversify your income streams.

For the Service-Based Entrepreneurs:

Learn how to integrate your personal brand with your marketing your services so you attract even more clients, charge higher fees, and build additional income streams so you can stop trading time for dollars.

For Visionaries and Innovators:

Share your groundbreaking ideas and innovations with the world as a speaker, author, content creator, or all three.

For the Community Builders:

Perhaps your passion lies in building a community or movement around your ideas. We’ll show you how to engage and mobilize your audience, creating a loyal following that shares your vision and supports your growth.

Want a Sneak Peek at the Curriculum?

Here are Some of the Topics We’ll Cover this Year

  • Latest in A.I. for Streamlining Marketing, Processes, and Systems

  • Ready-Made Templates
    for Webinars and Launches

  • Content Creation Templates

  • AI Tutorials and Prompts
    for Quick Copywriting

  • Tech Stack Walk-Through

  • How to Set Up andLaunch a Podcast

  • How to Get Started
    Running Facebook Ads

  • How to Create a
    Magnetic Lead Magnet

  • How to Write High-Converting
    Sales Pages

  • How to Write Your Bio

  • Virtual Summit Playbook

  • How to Run a Bestselling Book Launch

  • Email Marketing Playbook

  • Product Launch Playbook

  • Six-Figure Mastermind Playbook

Each of these elements is designed not only to teach but also to provide actionable tools and strategies, ensuring you can apply what you learn directly to your personal brand and business.

So, What’s the Investment?

There are two easy ways to enroll, full pay and monthly payments. If you choose the full-pay option, you’re eligible for a special “Commitment Bonus” — a special 1:1 consultation (value: $1250) with me at any point within the calendar year.

Join the Academy

Apply the Strategies

Grow Your Business

Full Pay

$1297 ($250 off)

  • Full Course Library (includes You Are the Brand, CopyProof, Six Figure Mastermind, AI Marketing Playbook, and more)

  • 2x per month LIVE group coaching calls with Mike and coaches

  • Access to vibrant community platform (we use Circle)

  • All of Mike’s products, including Proposal Templates, High Converting Copy Kit, Mastermind Roadmap, and more

  • “MikeKimGPT” AI bot to help you find and access content quickly and easily (draws from course library and coaching calls)

  • BONUS: VIP Ticket to You Are the Brand Live Event in May 2024

  • BONUS: 1:1 strategy call with Mike for use anytime within one calendar year

Monthly Plan

$129 x 12

  • Full Course Library (includes You Are the Brand, CopyProof, Six Figure Mastermind, AI Marketing Playbook, and more)

  • 2x per month LIVE group coaching calls with Mike and coaches

  • Access to vibrant community platform (we use Circle)

  • All of Mike’s products, including Proposal Templates, High Converting Copy Kit, Mastermind Roadmap, and more

  • “MikeKimGPT” AI bot to help you find and access content quickly and easily (draws from course library and coaching calls)

  • BONUS: VIP Ticket to You Are the Brand Live Event in May 2024

  • BONUS: 1:1 strategy call with Mike for use anytime within one calendar year

Here’s What Others are Saying

(Aww, Shucks)

"After making some changes in my practice, I found myself back at the marketing table. I didn't want to go it alone. I joined because it meant that twice a month, I was spending time with others working on their businesses. It provided an opportunity to learn about the new strategies - the introduction of AI, for instance. Learning to use these tools through the Academy meant that I didn't have to go find another program. And it was affordably priced. I get way more than I put in. It is a great investment."

Dr. Kerri Fullerton, ND

"Huge resource for all things marketing and business. The Academy is a wealth of resources, with the monthly calls, guest speakers, working sessions and accountability between members - it's definitely helped me get farther faster in my business."

Marla Borger, copywriter

"Mike and Robby tell you just what you need for right now. They don't send you chasing after the next "shiny object". Invest in the academy and you'll save $$$ on the programs, courses, or communities that look good but you don't need right now."

Paul Arndt, course creator

"If you are growing as a person and as a professional, you need a network. Mike's groups, like the Academy, always bring good people together. If you want to make good progress in your goals while surrounding yourself with encouraging, positive people like you, this is your chance."

Dr. Sheila Cornea, executive coach

"The Academy has give me the strategy to take my brand and business to the next level."

Dr. Todd Hall, author, professor, counselor

Imagine Making an Incredible Living Sharing Who You Are and What You Know. What is that Worth to You?

If you feel stuck right now, I get it. Back in 2013 I was the CMO of a growing company just outside New York City earning six-figures a year, but felt trapped. Like everyone else I had bills to pay and responsibilities. I didn't see how I could ever go full-time in my own business, but I was hungry to learn and willing to try.

These are real pictures I took back in 2013 to remind myself that I wasn't as happy as my paycheck said I should be. I can laugh about it now but the frustration and pain was real. That's why I can empathize with how you might feel right now, too.

During my long commutes I would often think, "I just need a system that will help me make the leap. I'm willing to work hard, invest in myself, and learn –– I just need to know what to do and what order to do everything in! Someone tell me!"

There was no one. All I saw were programs about building platforms, public speaking, A to Z podcasting, launching products, writing books –– but I felt like everything was so random.

Why wasn't there anyone who could piece all these random, loose parts together? You can't just start a YouTube channel and make money, you need to build an audience. You can’t just find speaking gigs when you have limited days off work and no one knows who you are.

I’m not slamming these programs. My point is that you are left on your own to figure out how to piece it all together. Most people end up “Frankensteining” their business together with no clear strategy.

After a lot of trial and error, I figured out how to build a brand while also monetizing my expertise. I didn't need to do more –– I just needed to do a few things strategically. Over time, I built BOTH a six-figure freelance business AND a six-figure online business.

Since That Day Back in 2013…

  • My mailing list has grown to multiple 5-figures

  • I've published 400 podcast episodes

  • I've written a Wall St. Journal and USA Today best-selling book

  • I've made multiple 7-figures

  • I've been able to travel the world doing work I love…

Obviously this didn’t happen overnight. Getting to my “dream life” was harder than I thought it would be, and I made a lot of mistakes along the way.

But there were a lot of things I did right. I took calculated risks. I was intentional about building a brand. I was crystal clear on what my “cashflow” skills were and built income streams around them.

The framework I teach you in You Are the Brand is how I cracked the code. It's simple, strategic, efficient, and lean. Ironically many of the same thought leaders who sell those courses hired me to fine-tune their marketing.

My obsession is to help experts productize and monetize their expertise because when that happens, we create a bigger impact.

What drives me crazy is that there are great minds out there (perhaps you?) that get overlooked simply because they aren’t as good at marketing as others. This is why I created this program. I want to even the playing field.

The credibility isn't in the teaching, the credibility is in the living. I have an amazing life and I believe a great life stems from living life on your own terms. If your definition of a great life means creating impact with your ideas and getting paid for it, then my team and I would love to help you do exactly that.

Try You Are the Brand for 30 Days, 100% Risk Free

I firmly stand behind the integrity and value of You Are the Brand and my reputation as a leader in this industry. We truly want to help you succeed!

So, here’s the deal. If you don’t make legitimate progress after working with us for 30 days, I will refund your investment, 100%.

I’ll ask you to show me that you really gave the program a go and ask what didn’t work for you (so we can improve). But I’m willing to lose money on this guarantee because that’s how much I believe in this program.

Registration Closes
Monday, December 11th at 11:59pm PT.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do the live calls take place?

Our first call is slated for Thursday December 14th at 3pm ET / 2pm CT / 1pm MT / 12pm PT. Calls take place every two weeks from that date (at the same time) until the following December in 2024. Then you’ll have a chance to renew your membership at a much discounted loyalty rate.

How do I know if I’m good enough to do this?

Feeling unsure is a natural part of embarking on any new venture. But here’s the thing: you’ll never truly know until you take that first step. And that’s precisely what ‘You Are the Brand Academy’ is here for – to support you as you explore this new path.

Our program provides the help you need, whether you’re just starting to conceptualize things or looking to refine and expand. With personalized coaching, an engaging community, and a vast library of resources, you’ll gain clarity, confidence, and the practical tools to move forward.

Remember, every successful personal brand started with someone deciding to take a chance on themselves. So, if you’re even slightly considering this path, our program is tailored to help you.

Do I need existing clients to make this work?

No, because the Learner Track is designed for people who aren’t yet full-time in business. This is perfect if you’re still working on what product or service you’ll offer, or what niche you’ll focus on.

Do I get all the materials right away?

Yes, and we add more as we do our coaching calls. Both the Learner and Pro Tracks have several videos and playbooks to go through to make sure you have the foundations for each in place. Any new content will continue being dripped out and we will use the bi-weekly coaching calls to help you stay on track.

Mike, do we have access to you during the program?

Yes, I will host most of the live coaching calls and will also be very active in our member forum (we use a platform called Circle, it’s great). If you need 1:1 calls, you can sign up to do that with me or one of my coaches at a “members only” discounted rate.

What is the return policy?

You have a 30-day window from the date you purchase the program to request a refund, but you must show us that you have done the first module in your Track with written proof. If you're thinking of enrolling, downloading the materials, and asking for a refund then do not register. I conduct my business with integrity and honesty, and expect those I work with to do the same.

I'm worried I won't have enough time to do this program…

The last thing we all want is something else on our to-do list. That’s where You Are the Brand is unique. With years of experience helping thousands of personal brands who serve in different markets, I know what works — and I’m only sharing the best, most efficient approaches.

In fact, you'll be surprised at how simple some of the strategies are. Success is sequential, not simultaneous. If you just do things in the right order, you'll see results -- and that's exactly what we're going to show you.

I always get stuck on technology...

The good news is that the technology options and AI tools available today make this much easier –– much more than when I started out. Most of the tools you need are free and we have many tech tutorials for the apps you can use. We will also have some basic design tutorials you can use to create your content using every programs like MS Word or Apple Pages.

What if I don’t have an email list?

You don’t need one to start and we will show you how to grow one with the right lead magnets and systems.

I don’t have a website or podcast, and I do not have a presence on social media. Is this program still a good fit for me?

Yes, many of our members have grown their business through referrals and prospecting. It depends on what kind of business you want to grow and the way you want to do it.

If you want to have a website, podcast, or anything else related to marketing we will show you how to build it.

If I purchased last year’s membership, do I still need to buy this year’s?

Yes, renewal is every year and you have access to the course library and coaching calls as long as you’re an active member. If you cancel membership you will no longer be able to access the content.

The membership is active for one year, and before your final month you will be eligible to renew at a steeply discounted loyalty rate!

How is this different from other programs?

Several reasons but first I’d say that my team and I have actually done all the things we teach for ourselves and private clients successfully. I like to learn from those with real-world experience and we have plenty of that

Second, you get a wealth of resources and interaction covering nearly every facet of marketing and business growth - copywriting, design, list growth, funnels, summits, book launches and more. Admittedly we don’t teach about, say, Pinterest or TikTok specifically but the principles we cover can be applied to those platforms and others.

Third, I’d say the price. I really try to make this a no brainer especially given how much time you’ll get in sessions and the feedback. Most other programs change way more with way less interaction and much less topic scope.

Last, I’d say the community. Good people know more good people who know more good people.

How much can I expect to make?

Of course this is a question that differs case by case but the way I approach it is we aim to get one revenue stream to $10,000 per month. Some people get there with one, others with several. But the strategy is to build up to that and then go beyond in each income stream.

If you have daytime responsibilities with family or a job, we have step by step goals (I call them SMUG numbers — Survival, Middle-class, Upper-class, Gaudy) from which you can build from especially if you want to make the leap and go full time. I did this and have coached many others in this process (especially in light of family responsibilities) and we are prepared to help you.

I understand that if I put in the work and implement the systems I WILL see epic results –– but how many hours should I be setting aside each week?

AI tools and our video tutorials will shave a lot of time off your work hours but you should expect to spend about three hours a week (including calls). Depending on your familiarity with your own tools and your skill in writing or content creation it may take longer in the beginning but like any skill you will get better and faster as you go. To be safe, set aside three hours a week.

How long will I have access to this program?

The membership is active for one year, and before your final month you will be eligible to renew at a steeply discounted loyalty rate!

How many people are in this program at a given time?

While I don’t place a limit on the number of members it may not be as large as you think: our max number this past year was 51.

Of that number about 40% join the live calls at any given time. In other words, you won’t be crowded out on calls and we do a lot of breakout sessions on calls to create more interaction.

The community forum is also very active and allows for communication between my team and members as well as members to one another. We believe communication should flow both ways, so we’re really big on the community element.

Is this the first iteration of this program?

No, I’ve actually run several iterations in prior years (all very well-received) but made the latest tweaks in response to what has best served our members: namely community, more direct feedback, longer calls (we went from one hour now to nearly an hour and half), and a live event (slated for May 2024 near New York City).

What if I have a question or need support?

Our team is very responsive and you can reach out inside our community forum or contact Sadie in our customer support department if you need any help, she’s awesome. You’ll get all that info once you register.

Make The Wise Investment Upfront To Get It Right The First Time

I’ve never understood why some people waste hundreds of hours and years of stagnant growth trying to figure it out instead of doing it right the first time.

You Are the Brand isn’t based on some one-off success I’ve had, it’s an accumulation of strategies from my experience guiding hundreds of startups to the world’s most influential personal brands.Join us, and let's build together.

Registration Closes
Monday, December 11th at 11:59pm PT.

Showcase Your Expertise, Amplify Your Leadership, and Broaden Your Influence Through the Power of Your Personal Brand

Get the strategy, coaching, and community you need to showcase your expertise, broaden your sphere of influence, and create new income streams through the power of your personal brand.

Full Pay

$1297 ($250 off)

  • Full Course Library (includes You Are the Brand, CopyProof, Six Figure Mastermind, AI Marketing Playbook, and more)

  • 2x per month LIVE group coaching calls with Mike and coaches

  • Access to vibrant community platform (we use Circle)

  • All of Mike’s products, including Proposal Templates, High Converting Copy Kit, Mastermind Roadmap, and more

  • “MikeKimGPT” AI bot to help you find and access content quickly and easily (draws from course library and coaching calls)

  • BONUS: VIP Ticket to You Are the Brand Live Event in May 2024

  • BONUS: 1:1 strategy call with Mike for use anytime within one calendar year

Monthly Plan

$129 x 12

  • Full Course Library (includes You Are the Brand, CopyProof, Six Figure Mastermind, AI Marketing Playbook, and more)

  • 2x per month LIVE group coaching calls with Mike and coaches

  • Access to vibrant community platform (we use Circle)

  • All of Mike’s products, including Proposal Templates, High Converting Copy Kit, Mastermind Roadmap, and more

  • “MikeKimGPT” AI bot to help you find and access content quickly and easily (draws from course library and coaching calls)

  • BONUS: VIP Ticket to You Are the Brand Live Event in May 2024

  • BONUS: 1:1 strategy call with Mike for use anytime within one calendar year

© 2024 Mike Kim Enterprises LLC • All Rights Reserved